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Material Weight Calculator LITE

4.8 ( 9168 ratings )
Утіліти Продуктивність
Розробник: Bruce Duffy

Who can use this app?
1. Trades People
2. DIY People
3. Professionals
4. Teachers & Students.

What Shapes will the app calculate?
- Angles
- Channel
- Cone
- Cube
- Cylinder
- Hexagonal
- I Beam
- Rectangular Tube
- Round Tube
- Sphere
- Square Based Pyramid
- T Shape

How many different materials will the app calculate?

What type of answers will the calculator complete?
- Volume
- Tones
- Stones
- Kilograms
- Pounds
- Ounces.

Why is this app Unique?
This app is unique because it will calculate any combination of (measurement X material X shape).

Does the app have metric and imperial settings?

Will the app save my answers?

Do we provide support?

NOTE: This app does have ads, but they will not interfere with your user experience. If you would like to have the app with NO ads please purchase the PRO Version.